z100 PoRtLaNd.CoM- tHe UnOfFiCiAl WeBsItE
z100-tUrNiNg 15!!! z100 iS tUrNiNg 15!!!
I hOpE yOu GoT tO gO tO tHeIr BiRtHdAy BaSh 15!!!
AlL oF tHe Z-jAyS sInCe 1984 WiLl Be TaKiNg TuRnS bRoAdCaStInG aLoNg WiTh Dr.DoUg, ErIn O'mAlLeY, aNd AlL oF tHe OtHerS
tLc MaDe #1 WiTh ThEiR hIt SoNg-No ScRuBs!!!
PoRtLaNd HoT 30 cOuNtDoWn
z100 PhOnE cAlL HyStErIa ThIs HaS gOt To Be ThE fuNnIeSt PhOnE z100 eVeR bRoaDcAsTeD!!!
CaLleR 1:I've got a friend that thinks ". . ." is done by Cheap Trick and I know it was done by AcDc. Who was it really done by?
z100: It was done by AcDc you're right.
cAlLeR 1:Can you tell them that?Here, I'll give the phone to them. . .
CaLlEr 2: Who was it done by?
z100: It was done by Cheap Trick.
cAlLer 2: Can you tell them that?Here. . .
CaLlEr1: He keeps on saying that you told hme it was done by Cheap Trick!
z100: Hes playin a trick on you!
aNd It KeEpS oN gOiNg AnD gOiNg. . . . . . .*LOL*

z100 PoRtLaNd.CoM
tHe OfFiCiAl Z100 wEbSiTe!!!

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